Any query or complaint concerning WASA should not be sent to Giga Tech.
Water Supply and Sewerage Authority or WASA is the main body administering the Water supply, Drainage, and Sanitation system in Bangladesh. It was established in the year 1963. Based on the tremendous geographical expansion and population growth over the last two decades WASA’s activities have been reorganized and it has expanded to several zones spread across the country. Giga Tech Limited developed a Complaint Management System for Dhaka Wasa to improve their operation, maintenance, and customer service.
The total service area of Dhaka WASA is divided into 11 geographic zones called Mods Zones. This includes 10 in Dhaka City and 1 in Narayanganj. There is an office and pump house for each zone. This office carries out the responsibilities of engineering, maintenance, and operation as well as revenue activities.
Complaint Management System of Dhaka Wasa
Dhaka WASA
The Challenge for Dhaka WASA
Traditionally, the system of filing a complaint or raising an issue was a phone call to the pump house or office in charge of the specific mod zone. Whenever a complaint or issue was raised in any of the Mods Zone, it was always addressed very late.
This resulted in delayed solutions and system time loss. As such even after creating such infrastructure by investment, they failed to provide the proper services effectively for which they have been procured and became dysfunctional or remained underutilized most of the time.

Project Output
Giga Tech created a Complaint Management System (CMS) for Dhaka Wasa that the pump house and offices of every mods zone had access to. This software was used to record Dhaka WASA pump operators’ complaints and process them through a series of processes. Any time a pump operator has a complaint about a water pump, they can easily file it online here.
SMS notification is sent out to the Agents (Complain Manager) of the FM division of Dhaka WASA. Agents dispatch the required Line-Staff and personnel to immediately resolve the problem. After the correction of the fault, the Line-Staff again makes a call back to the agent and they confirm it to the pump operator. The complaints get registered by the agent and escalated to the line staff by the supervisor.

Features of Complaint Management System (CMS)

Complaint Management Software helped in the recording, resolution, and response to consumer complaints, requests, and other feedback.
Complaint Management System made complaints easier to coordinate for Dhaka WASA
Giga Tech’s CMS aided in the digitalization of the complete communication and data entry process, making it considerably more efficient. It provided an online method for Dhaka WASA to deal with maintenance issues, saving time and preventing system loss. This helped in immediate dispatching of required staff and personnel for alleviating the problem and making sure that the right department and affiliated concerns are notified quickly.
It made the processing of the complaints easier to coordinate, monitor, track and resolve. As a result, Dhaka WASA had an effective tool to make necessary business improvements. Complaints Management Software helped to record resolve, and respond to customer complaints, requests as well as facilitate any other feedback.